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WEEK 2 • #thatbombshelllife



We are going to make SURE during Week TWO of the Resolution Reboot Challenge that we are on the RIGHT TRACK to MEET our GOALS. This includes making the ACTIONS it takes to reach them a HABIT within the SCOPE of our BUSY, unique lives.

Resolution Reboot WEEK 2 • #thatbombshelllife!

My NEW Normal IS Living #thatbombshelllife!

MANY Goals and Dreams are shattered because we simply can NOT figure out how to manage pursuing our Goals while staying on top of our BUSY, unique lives! When we get one half of the equation right, the other half falls apart, and vice versa, until frustration kicks in and all progress halts.

It takes THREE WEEKS of consistency to make something a HABIT in your life. 

We are going to make SURE during Week TWO of the Resolution Reboot Challenge that we are on the RIGHT TRACK to MEET our GOALS. This includes making the ACTIONS it takes to reach them a HABIT within the SCOPE of our BUSY, unique lives.

Let’s put the puzzle pieces together that allow you to blend your goals and your daily responsibilities into a manageable and SUSTAINABLE balance that makes the practice of reaching your goals and Living #thatbombshelllife your new NORMAL,  simply part of who you ARE and what you DO.

During Week Two, we will also REVISIT our personal Bombshell Reboot Challenge Fitness Assessment and strive to ADD a few reps to last Week’s Totals.

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Resolution Reboot WEEK 2 • #thatbombshelllife!


During your FIRST WEEK of Goal ACTIVATION, how did it go?  What CHALLENGES did you face in YOUR life that threatened to hold you back? What strategies WORKED, what strategies did NOT and HOW do you plan to move FORWARD?  Did you get STARTED on your Goals OR did LIFE take over and you are yet to get going?


re-read your Letter TO YOU

FIRST, re-read your Letter to YOU to REMIND yourself that DEEP DOWN you KNOW that YOU can DO this!  YOU are a Warrior, YOU are a Bombshell!



Then, RE-WRITE EACH of your Three Personal Revolution Goals and your B-Fearless Goal.  From there, ASSESS how each individual ACTIVATION plan you created WORKED in Week 1.

If it FIT within your life, then make the COMMITMENT to CONTINUE with your activation plan this week.  If it did NOT fit within your life, decide if you need to try the SAME strategy again, OR if you feel as if you need to ADJUST your strategy in order to make it HAPPEN.

EACH Goal needs to be assessed INDIVIDUALLY as to if/how any adjustments to your plan of ATTACK are needed.


Resolution Reboot WEEK 2 • #thatbombshelllife!


Congratulations Bombshell!  You completed your FIRST Bombshell Challenge Fitness Assessment last week and logged your initial results.  You are off to a GREAT start!

Let’s REVISIT it again THIS week and strive to add at least TWO reps to EACH of the Exercises.  If you can NOT add two reps within the course of one-minute, finish them OUTSIDE of the one-minute time zone.  THIS is how we PROGRESSIVELY improve!

Momma Bombshell will be on The Challenge Page LIVE again on TUESDAY to motivate you through your Bombshell Challenge Fitness Assessment this week!

Resolution Reboot WEEK 2 • #thatbombshelllife!


For this Fitness Assessment, you will chart how many of each of the following exercises you can complete in 60 seconds.

You are not competing against ANYONE except yourself, so HAVE FUN, stay SAFE, and listen to your body at all times!

It does NOT matter if the number you finish is ONE or TWO or 1/2 of a Repetition! It is a START and THAT is all that MATTERS, that YOU are STARTING something to IMPROVE yourself, improve your HEALTH, and improve your LIFE!



Post on the Resolution Reboot Challenge Group Facebook Page and your Personal Social Media including at least ONE if not ALL of the following. 

Post ONLY whatever YOU are comfortable sharing.

And yes, you can have SEPARATE posts for the Private Group and your Public Social Media if you choose.  Feel free to get CREATIVE with these Posts/Videos.

DISCLAIMER: Weekly Prizes are chosen from Posts shared on Social Media outside of the Challenge Group and/or The B-Spot.

Your Social Media MUST be public in order for us to find your posted content. The hashtags below MUST be used on every week’s engagement challenge to qualify for a prize!

#BombshellFitness #BombshellChallenge #BombshellInc #TeamBombshell #ThatBombshellLife #BombshellEvents #8WeekChallenge #TransformationChallenge #Transformation

It’s time for US to Live our BEST Lives, TOGETHER!