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Week 5
Bombshell She-Warrior Power

Body Breakthrough Challenge

CONGRATULATIONS Bombshell! YOU have MADE IT to Phase THREE of the Bombshell She-Warrior Challenge!

Perform each weekly exercise sequence 2-4 times within the scope of each week.

The Bombshell She-Warrior Physical Challenge consists of engaging in progressively demanding exercises, with a focus on increasing the intensity in each subsequent phase to emerge in She-Warrior Peak Physical Condition.

There are three levels to choose from based upon your CURRENT Fitness Level.

Please choose the level BELOW where you think you may be and feel free to work UP if you need more of a Challenge or move down if the workout is too intense.

If you do not know which level to choose, choose the LOWER level until you know you can raise your intensity. You may find that you go up and down in Levels throughout The Challenge based on the Week/Day.

The She-Warrior Physical Challenge is to be performed in addition to your regular workout.


Choose this level if you are NEW to Bombshell, have been training for less than a year, currently train at moderate intensity OR are a NEW exerciser.



Choose this level if you have been with Bombshell for Six-Months or more training consistently at a high level, have been training with HIGH INTENSITY for Over a Year and are in Good Physical Condition.



Choose this level if you have been with Bombshell for One year or more, have been training CONSISTENTLY with EXTREME HIGH INTENSITY for well OVER a Year, are in Great Physical Condition and do not have any physical limitations, balance issues or injuries.


Phase 3 • Rise Up to the Challenge

(Challenge Weeks 5-6)

Phase 3 is all about making STRIDES in your OVERALL FITNESS LEVEL,  Be sure that you are NOT just going through the motions and that you are ATTACKING each workout with PURPOSE and with POWER.


Side to Side Step Out Squats x 45 Seconds

Pushups x 45 Seconds

Duck Walk x 45 Seconds

Plank x 45 Seconds



Wide High Jump OR Sumo Squat x 30 Seconds

Walk Out Pushup x 30 Seconds

Walking Lunges x 60 Seconds

Plank x 60 Seconds with Shoulder Taps



Pop Pushups - 30 seconds
(Do as many as you can safely then finish with regular pushups)

Box Jumps x 10

Proposal Squat x 10 (each leg)

Burpees x 30 seconds

Dirty Seal x 30 "steps"

Bombshell She-Warrior Mental Makeover

Unlock the Power of "I CHOOSE"

It’s all too easy to say

“I can’t.”
“I can’t do that.”
“I can’t believe in that.”
“I can’t think that way.”
“I can’t eat well.”
“I can’t exercise.”

“I can’t get up early.”
“I can’t give up alcohol.”
“I can’t quit smoking.”
“I can’t stop eating junk food.”
“I can’t do that exercise.”
“I can’t say no.”

“I can’t take care of myself.”
“I can’t focus on anything.”
“I can’t commit.”
“I can’t – I can’t – I can’t… oh, I just can’t.”

The TRUTH is, you CAN accomplish anything you CHOOSE to pursue.

Here’s a TEST to determine if you can truly do something or not. If you discover that it’s true you that you TRULY “CAN’T”, then by all means, keep stating it. However, if you realize you have the ability to CHOOSE, let’s transform your language and mindset. Here’s the KEY: You must START by being completely honest with yourself.

Next, replace every “cannot” with “choose not.”
For example:

“I can’t get up early” becomes “I CHOOSE NOT to get up early.”
“I can’t take care of myself” becomes “I CHOOSE NOT to take care of myself.”
“I can’t follow my plan” becomes “I CHOOSE NOT to follow my plan.” 

Deep down, you know this truth. You have witnessed COUNTLESS Bombshells transform their bodies and their lives through hard work, dedication, and self-discipline. Yet, you have created excuses that differentiate them from you, leaving you with nothing but “I can’t do this” and “I can’t be that.”

Cut the EXCUSES! It’s time to stop deceiving yourself and holding back your potential.

How can you be SURE that you truly cannot do something?

Have you given it your ALL consistently over TIME —not just half-hearted attempts or brief trials — failed, stumbled, and then tried at LEAST 2-3 times MORE giving it your ALL? Have you ventured beyond your comfort zone to understand your true limits? Have you explored every possible avenue?

Saying “cannot” implies a lack of ability. For instance, a human can’t fly; that’s a fact. However, it’s not a proven fact that you cannot commit, concentrate, be punctual, or achieve certain results. These are quite simply matters of desire and effort—no room for excuses!

Making the Choice to Stop Deceiving Yourself

You must decide: Will you continue to deceive yourself, as many do for their entire lives, or will you embrace honesty, change your ways, and believe in your potential?

The truth is simple: You CAN do anything. You create your outcomes through your CHOICES.

This shift isn’t easy; gaining the clarity and power of “I can” may be challenging at first. Yet, take that small step toward understanding your own truth—consider it a personal experiment or a bold move that you’ll pursue. Just do NOT go through life repeating: “I can’t.”

When faced with new challenges, you must REWIRE yourself to refrain from the instinctive “I can’t!” Instead, protect your aspirations by monitoring your words and thoughts. Acknowledging this small adjustment can lead to a fresh perspective and unlock your potential to become all that you were MEANT to BE.


  • Make a list of all the things you tell yourself you “can’t” do—this can include any aspect of your life, not just fitness. (e.g., “I can’t stop eating junk” – “I can’t make more money” – “I can’t get out of this bad relationship” etc.)

  • Replace “can’t” in your list with “I choose NOT to.” (e.g., “I choose NOT to stop eating junk”)

  • Review this list and cross off anything you truly cannot do due to ability (e.g., “I can’t fly,” “I can’t grow 6 inches”).

  • Create a new list of “I choose NOT to” and change those to “I CHOOSE to.”

  • Then, for each “I CHOOSE to,” write three action steps of what you will DO to achieve it.

  • Finally, take action to change the limiting beliefs you’ve been HOLDING ON TO and work towards a better version of YOU!
WEEK 5 PRIZE • Bombshell Mug of Choice and Full Size Tub of Bombshell Nutrition Glam Pro


DISCLAIMER: To qualify for the Weekly Prizes your Social Media MUST be public so we can find your posted content. The hashtags below MUST be used on every week’s engagement challenge to qualify for a prize!

#BombshellFitness #BombshellChallenge #BombshellInc #TeamBombshell #ThatBombshellLife #BombshellEvents #8WeekChallenge #TransformationChallenge #Transformation




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