(407) 606-5200



Week 4 • Core Meets Curve

PHYSICAL Challenge

The Bombshell She-Warrior Physical Challenge consists of progressively demanding exercises, with a focus on increasing the intensity in each subsequent phase to achieve She-Warrior Peak Physical Condition.

There are three levels to choose from based upon your CURRENT Fitness Level.

Please choose the level BELOW where you think you may be and feel free to work UP if you need more of a Challenge or move down if the workout is too intense.

If you do not know which level to choose, choose the LOWER level until you know you can raise your intensity. You may find that you go up and down in Levels throughout The Challenge based on the Week/Day.

The She-Warrior Physical Challenge is to be performed in addition to your regular workout.


Choose this level if you are NEW to Bombshell, have been training for less than a year, currently train at moderate intensity OR are a NEW exerciser.



Choose this level if you have been with Bombshell for Six-Months or more training consistently at a high level, have been training with HIGH INTENSITY for Over a Year and are in Good Physical Condition.



Choose this level if you have been with Bombshell for One year or more, have been training CONSISTENTLY with EXTREME HIGH INTENSITY for well OVER a Year, are in Great Physical Condition and do not have any physical limitations, balance issues or injuries.



(Challenge Weeks 3-4)

As we talked about last week, Phase Two is all about raising the INTENSITY and tapping into your inner Bombshell She-Warrior to CHALLENGE yourself. With each workout, attempt to increase the number of sets performed in timed exercises, maintain strict form, and feel yourself become stronger.

Remember to complete your Bombshell She-Warrior Circuits on your regular workout days and take rest days to allow your body to recover and perform at its best.

If Level One of this new phase feels overly demanding, that's okay. Do what you can safely and try again in a couple of days. If you are unable to finish one or more of the sequences, you have not failed; you simply have something to work toward!

Perform each exercise in order for 2-3 rounds, 3-4 times per week. Some days you may only be able to complete the circuit once; other days you may find you can complete more rounds. This is all about progression, so take your time and don't burn out in the first couple of days.first couple of days.


Side to Side Step Out Squats x 30 Seconds
(optional: banded above knees)

Pushups x 30 Seconds
(on feet or knees)

Sumo Stomps x 30 Seconds

Plank x 45-60 Seconds



Side to Side Step Out Squats x 1 Minute
(optional: banded above knees)

Pushups x 1 Minute

Walking Lunges x 1 Minute

Plank x 1 minute with Shoulder Taps



Pop Squats x 1 Minute
(optional: banded above knees)

Pop Pushups x 10 OR Pushups to failure

Switch Lunges x 30 Seconds

Plank to Failure with Shoulder Taps

Bombshell She-Warrior Mental Makeover

Core Meets Curve

Combining your Fit Life and your LIFE to coexist in harmony.
The First few weeks of The Bombshell She-Warrior Challenge have very likely DEMONSTRATED to you what YOUR personal sticking points to SUCCESS may be, and in what ways you are THRIVING!
If ALL you had to do in a day was follow your nutrition plan/get your workouts in and you loved EVERY meal and EVERY moment in the gym, you would be GOLDEN!  But unfortunately, THAT is not reality, so we have to LEARN how to make our FIT LIFE and the REST of our life coexist in harmony in order to reach our goals.
When fitness becomes a HABIT in our lives, there are no longer any COSTS associated with the activity.  Meaning, in the beginning just remembering your GYM clothes each day can be a struggle.  However, when walking out the door with everything you need for success becomes part of your daily routine, those struggles disappear, things become MUCH easier and being FIT is simply part of who you ARE and what you DO.
CHANGING a daily existence we have lived in for years, even DECADES is NOT easy, but it CAN be done!  It is ALL about a MENTAL SHIFT.
Here are some TIPS on SHIFTING your mindset to create HARMONY between your FIT life and your LIFE!

 Having a STRONG reason for making it happen will make you MUCH less likely to throw in the towel when things get rough.

 We get VERY wrapped up in thinking that if we don’t LOVE every moment of our fitness plan and every meal we eat throughout the day, that something is WRONG.  NOTHING is wrong with NOT loving the process every step of the way, especially in the beginning! That is simply part of the deal.  Allowing yourself to feel pride in even the SMALLEST of WINS makes those not so fun moments oh so worth it.

Don’t expect to change your life overnight. Rather, simply do what you CAN each day and then get up and do what you CAN again tomorrow.  Remember, it is NOT all or nothing.

 YOU, your HEALTH and Fitness is IMPORTANT.
Martyring yourself in order to take care of everyone else is NOT necessary OR is it SMART.  In order to attend to everyone else, YOU must be in tip top shape or you will NOT be effective.  Plan YOUR fitness routine into your day and MAKE it happen, the laundry isn’t going anywhere, it will still be there AFTER your workout.

In week One we started tracking our WINNING STREAKS to SUCCESS.  Keep this going!  Having a VISUAL reminder of what we are working toward along with a DAILY goal is a VERY effective way to stay on track.

In Week 3, we visualized the MOVIE that is our LIFE and the JOY found living in it.  Each and every day make the EFFORT to FEEL the success of becoming your best, and ALLOW yourself to LIVE with the joy OF that success RIGHT NOW.  Allowing yourself to BE in a mindset of SUCCESS and JOY means EVERYTHING when it comes to putting all of this together.


  • Using the attached Report Card, evaluate yourself for the first 3-Weeks of the challenge. This is NOT a report card on your PHYSICAL STATE, rather on how these first few weeks played out pertaining to the PROCESS of your Fit Life and the REST of your life live in HARMONY.
    • Attitude
    • Effort
    • Planning
    • Flexibility
    • Execution
    • Overall grade for Weeks 1-3
  • From here, evaluate HOW each of these areas and your performance in them AFFECTED your overall progress.
  • Come up with a GAME PLAN in each of the areas that you struggled with. Make a PLAN on how you can adjust YOUR efforts, actions and attitudes to ALLOW yourself to find HARMONY between your Fit Life and your LIFE. THIS is how we will ultimately CREATE the SUCCESS you are craving.
WEEK 4 PRIZE • Eye of the Tiger Sweatshirt


Let's INSPIRE ourselves AND at the same time inspire others who are STRUGGLING to make FIT happen within the scope of their busy lives! YOU are not ALONE!

It's Week 4 Bombshell She-Warrior, I BELIEVE in YOU!

DISCLAIMER: To qualify for the Weekly Prizes your Social Media MUST be public so we can find your posted content. The hashtags below MUST be used on every week’s engagement challenge to qualify for a prize!

#BombshellFitness #BombshellChallenge #BombshellInc #TeamBombshell #ThatBombshellLife #BombshellEvents #8WeekChallenge #TransformationChallenge #Transformation

This weeks Engagement Challenge Prize is a Bombshell Eye of the Tiger Sweatshirt to represent YOU taking the steps to CREATE LASER FOCUS toward reaching your GOALS!!




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