(407) 606-5200




PHYSICAL Challenge

The Bombshell She-Warrior Physical Challenge consists of engaging in progressively demanding exercises, with a focus on increasing the intensity in each subsequent phase to emerge in She-Warrior Peak Physical Condition.

There are three levels to choose from based upon your CURRENT Fitness Level.

Please choose one level BELOW where you think you may be and feel free to work UP if you need more of a Challenge or move down if the workout is too intense.

If you do not know which level to choose, choose the LOWER level until you know you can raise your intensity. You may find that you go up and down in Levels throughout The Challenge based on the Week/Day.

The She-Warrior Physical Challenge is to be performed in addition to your regular workout.


Choose this level if you are NEW to Bombshell, have been training for less than a year, currently train at moderate intensity OR are a NEW exerciser.



Choose this level if you have been with Bombshell for Six-Months or more training consistently at a high level, have been training with HIGH INTENSITY for Over a Year and are in Good Physical Condition.



Choose this level if you have been with Bombshell for One year or more, have been training CONSISTENTLY with EXTREME HIGH INTENSITY for well OVER a Year, are in Great Physical Condition and do not have any physical limitations, balance issues or injuries.



(Challenge Weeks 3-4)

Congratulations Bombshell She-Warrior on completing Phase One! And, WELCOME to Phase Two!

Phase Two is all about raising the INTENSITY and tapping into your inner Bombshell She-Warrior in order to CHALLENGE yourself. With each workout, attempt to increase the number of sets performed in timed exercises, maintain strict form, and feel yourself become stronger.

Remember to complete your Bombshell She-Warrior Circuits on your regular workout days and take rest days to allow your body to recover and perform at its best.

If Level One of this new phase feels overly demanding, it's okay. Do what you can safely and try again in a couple of days. If you are unable to finish one or more of the sequences, you have not failed; you simply have something to work toward!

Perform each exercise in order for 2-3 rounds, 3-4 times per week. Some days you may only be able to complete the circuit once; other days you may find you can complete more rounds. This is all about progression, so take your time and don't burn out in the first couple of days.


Side to Side Step Out Squats x 30 Seconds
(optional: banded above knees)

Pushups x 30 Seconds
(on feet or knees)

Sumo Stomps x 30 Seconds

Plank x 45-60 Seconds



Side to Side Step Out Squats x 1 Minute
(optional: banded above knees)

Pushups x 1 Minute

Walking Lunges x 1 Minute

Plank x 1 minute with Shoulder Taps



Pop Squats x 1 Minute
(optional: banded above knees)

Pop Pushups x 10 OR Pushups to failure

Switch Lunges x 30 Seconds

Plank to Failure with Shoulder Taps

Bombshell She-Warrior Mental Makeover

Boost the Intensity of Your INNER DRIVE

Mental Makeover Focus: YOU on a WINNING STREAK.
“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit. – Aristotle”

We may have the greatest of intentions to reach our goals, but our actions are often not consistent with what we want.

We say we want to reach our goals, but why don’t we ACT like it? 

Many times, it’s because we lack the focus and mental intensity to propel ourselves toward daily actions that lead to reaching our goals.

Does this mean we are lazy or unfocused?  Not at all!  We just need a different APPROACH.

We have these AMAZING goals and with these goals, internal expectations about how we will FEEL once we reach them.  But WHY don’t we FEEL more like that TODAY, rather than waiting until we are DONE with the process?

We THINK we need to reach our goals to FEEL that success, that JOY, when in REALITY, we CAN simply CHOOSE to feel that way NOW.

HOW do we do this?  We must FIRST, change our MINDSET.
I know, I know, the phrase “practice gratitude” is SO overdone in pop culture that it has lost a lot of meaning, BUT it IS very important that no matter HOW much you feel you are lacking, that you take the time to build up good feelings for what you DO have.
Instead of just GRINDING through your tasks, VISUALIZE your life when you have ACCOMPLISHED these tasks. Envision your life like a MOVIE in which YOU are the MAIN CHARACTER. Envision this Movie ALL the way through. Visualize the incredible ADVENTURE that is YOU, what you ACCOMPLISH and who you become when you put in the effort, when you MAKE it happen and REACH your goals.
Really FEEL what it will FEEL like to LIVE in that successful place and HOLD on to it. FEEL how the SUCCESS and the LIFE you envision FEELS. Grab it and hold on TIGHT. YES, you CAN feel that way right NOW because you are ALREADY ON the AMAZING journey. It it not OUT there somewhere, it is ALREADY inside of YOU.

Even with the smallest daily WIN, look ahead at what that action is BUILDING. Take ONE task at a time but REMEMBER what you are working TOWARD. FEEL the joy found in taking even the SMALLEST step toward your ULTIMATE vision.

Changing your MINDSET from that of:
“I have to in order to reach this end”


“I am EXCITED to” BECAUSE it will lead to XYZ FEELING”, is a VERY powerful SHIFT in your energy and how you FEEL about the ACTIONS required to reach your goal.

Once we have decided to change our MIND, let's INFUSE this attitude of the JOY found in working TOWARD success into our daily life.

Your TOMORROW actually STARTS before you go to sleep. If you TELL yourself that you are going to wake up feeling ENERGIZED, READY and EXCITED to work toward your goals and that you are going to have a GREAT day, you are MUCH more likely to WAKE UP already HEADED in that direction.

In Week ONE we talked about your “perfect average day”. Play that day out in your mind before sleep each night and FEEL the JOY found in each small step toward your big success.

When that alarm goes off in the morning, BOUND out of bed and get your A$$ MOVING! If your goal is to find SUCCESS, then get out of bed like you MEAN business!
REMIND yourself throughout the day WHY you crave the success that you do and FEEL the JOY from finding it. When we remind ourselves of WHY we are doing what we do and FEEL how it FEELS to succeed, we are MUCH less likely to find excuses NOT to do what it takes.

As you begin your day, set a few CLEAR goals for the day. They do NOT have to be extensive, but clear items that you will get done which will lead you in a positive direction.

If you do NOT get these items done, don’t STOP feeling joy! Rather, revisit at the end of the day WHY something got derailed and rationally reset your strategy for the following day.

As you work toward small goals and accomplishments throughout your day, keep your GRAND vision of your LIFE in mind. FEEL the excitement and JOY in your GRAND vision, that MOVIE of your life, and HOLD it to you, even if the unexpected happens. This GRAND vision is paramount to keep in the forefront of your mind as you keep moving forward.


In WEEK THREE of the Bombshell She-Warrior Challenge we are BOOSTING the INTENSITY of our INTERNAL DRIVE to reach our goals.

Each day this week, begin your day the night BEFORE by FEELING how AMAZING your tomorrow will be when you bound out of bed READY to reach your goals. Envision that perfect average day and play the INCREDIBLE Movie of YOUR LIFE living your goals and dreams out in your head.

The next morning, hop RIGHT out of bed and ACT like the SUCCESS that you FEEL, take a moment to practice gratitude and set small goals for your day.

Throughout the day, REFLECT on how it FEELS to be on the ROAD to SUCCESS and keep your GRAND VISION in mind as you KEEP MOVING FORWARD. Even if there are roadblocks, HOLD ON to that AMAZING FEELING of success.

At the end of each day REFLECT on how GOOD it feels to be on the SUCCESSFUL path you are on and figure out any adjustments that need to be made for the NEXT day in order to have an even smoother ride. Having a rough day does NOT steal your joy. Rather your JOY leads you to FIGURE OUT how to do tomorrow BETTER.

WEEK 3 PRIZE • $100 Bombshell Boutique Gift Certificate


What is the NAME of the Movie, what is the THEME and what are the defining CHARACTERISTICS of the MAIN CHARACTER, YOU!

This one takes some THOUGHT Bombshell, so the PRIZE for Week 3 is $100 GC to the Boutique!!

I can't WAIT to see YOUR life vision and the ADVENTURE you are ON.

DISCLAIMER: To qualify for the Weekly Prizes your Social Media MUST be public so we can find your posted content. The hashtags below MUST be used on every week’s engagement challenge to qualify for a prize!

#BombshellFitness #BombshellChallenge #BombshellInc #TeamBombshell #ThatBombshellLife #BombshellEvents #8WeekChallenge #TransformationChallenge #Transformation

Here's to an INCREDIBLE, WINNING Season of YOU!!




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