(407) 606-5200




PHYSICAL Challenge

The Bombshell She-Warrior Physical Challenge consists of engaging in progressively demanding exercises, with a focus on increasing the intensity in each subsequent phase to emerge in She-Warrior Peak Physical Condition.

There are three levels to choose from based upon your CURRENT Fitness Level.

Please choose one level where you think you may be, and feel free to work UP if you need more of a Challenge or move down if the workout is too intense.

If you do not know which level to choose, choose the LOWER level until you know you can raise your intensity. You may find that you go up and down in Levels throughout The Challenge based on the Week/Day.

The She-Warrior Physical Challenge is to be performed in addition to your regular workout.


Choose this level if you are NEW to Bombshell, have been training for less than a year, currently train at moderate intensity OR are a NEW exerciser.



Choose this level if you have been with Bombshell for Six-Months or more training consistently at a high level, have been training with HIGH INTENSITY for Over a Year and are in Good Physical Condition.



Choose this level if you have been with Bombshell for One year or more, have been training CONSISTENTLY with EXTREME HIGH INTENSITY for well OVER a Year, are in Great Physical Condition and do not have any physical limitations, balance issues or injuries.


Phase 1 Building Your Foundation

(Challenge Weeks 1-2)

Phase One is designed to get you BACK in action after the Holidays. It is crafted to begin your journey with minimal intensity and work your way up as your body adapts to the extra movement.

In this SECOND WEEK of Phase One, each Bombshell She-Warrior Circuit workout should get a bit easier to tackle and take a little less effort. Do not add MORE to the circuit this week in an attempt to make it HARDER. Rather ENJOY the progress you have made, FEEL your INCREASED strength and get READY for PHASE TWO starting in Week 3!

Note: Complete your Bombshell She-Warrior Circuits on your REGULAR WORKOUT DAYS. Do NOT perform them on your REST DAYS! You MUST take your rest days in order for your body to RECOVER and perform at its BEST.

If these Exercise Sequences are not overly demanding, no problem! This Challenge is comprised of 8-Weeks of PROGRESSIVE overload that will become more difficult as we complete each phase.

If Level One of these Exercises is overly demanding, it's ok! Do what you can SAFELY then do what you can safely AGAIN in a couple of days. If you are unable to finish one or more of the Sequences, you have NOT failed Bombshell, YOU simply have something to work toward!

Perform Each Exercise in order 2-3 rounds, 3-4 times per each 7-Days. Some days you may only be able to complete the circuit once, other days you may find you can complete more rounds. This is all about PROGRESSION, so take your time and don't go NUTS and burn out in the First Phase. It is NOT all or nothing!

CAUTION: IMMEDIATELY discontinue any exercises causing pain, discomfort, weakness, balance issues or instability of any kind. Do NOT perform any exercises which you are NOT prepared or in physical condition to perform. ONLY push yourself to the point of challenge NOT exhaustion.



Bodyweight Sumo Squats x 10
Pushups x 10 (On feet OR knees)
Sumo Stomps x 10 (5 each leg)
Plank x 30 Seconds



Bodyweight Sumo Squats x 30 Seconds
Pushups x 30 Seconds (On feet OR knees)
Sumo Stomps x 30 Seconds
Plank x 1 minute



Bodyweight Sumo Squats x 1 Minute
Pushups x 1 Minute
Sumo Stomps x 1 Minute
Plank to Failure

Bombshell She-Warrior Mental Makeover


Mental Makeover Focus: YOU on a WINNING STREAK.
“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit. – Aristotle”

Living the Fit Life can be seen as a giant puzzle with a thousand little pieces that need to fit together just right to create ULTIMATE results. Having worked with the Highest Ranking NPC/IFBB Athletes, International Pageant Queens, Celebrities, Entertainers and Everyday Women across the WORLD, I have had the opportunity to observe which of these puzzle pieces are the most IMPORTANT when it comes to finding SUCCESS.

And over the course of ALL these years and having seen tens of thousands of success stories later, I have found time and time again that the #1 SUCCESS FACTOR which is present in EVERY one of these Women, without fail, is CONSISTENCY. It is what they do each and every day over and over again that allows them to achieve their results.

And this is not just MY observation, it is how our BODIES actually WORK.

Wolff’s law, developed by the Anatomist and Surgeon Julius Wolff in the 19th Century, states that the body conforms and adapts to the force it is habitually subjected to. The key word is habitually. The human body becomes STRONGER with increased loading over TIME. It’s not enough to do a single intense workout then expect to be faster, fitter, stronger. It is the workouts that you habitually do week after week for many weeks that make your body ADAPT to the EFFORT and subsequently BECOME faster, fitter, stronger.

Therefore, CONSISTENCY is THE Key!

The good news is, consistency is a piece of the puzzle that we can ALL solve. Consistency is not a skill or talent you were born with, you and YOU alone have direct control over it. Here are some ways to TRAIN YOURSELF to live with consistency and ultimately BUILD SUCCESS.

Whenever we’re trying to work on something new, we always overestimate how much we are able to do and we burn out, with a QUICKNESS.

This can be attributed to a few factors:

  1. The initial excitement of the idea of improving our lives causes us to be over-ambitious.
  2. Our ego takes over. “Only fifteen minutes of walking on the treadmill a day? That’s ridiculous. I can easily walk for an entire hour.”
  3. Instant Gratification. We want RESULTS and we want them NOW.

But that initial all consuming intensity ALWAYS fades out, it interferes with our life too much and becomes impossible. Then what happens? We end up giving up the habit and our goals COMPLETELY.

How do we AVOID this? We must change our MIND to think long-term and start SMALL. In other words Bombshell, leave the EMOTION out of it, be PATIENT and get SMART.

Here at Bombshell Headquarters, on a WEEKLY basis we talk to a prospective Bombshell that wants to get in shape and change her life, but says she will start “next month” because her life won’t be so busy.

And we respond with, “Why not start NOW with SOMETHING and get AHEAD of the game, “It is NOT ALL OR NOTHING!”
In other words:  It is NOT about TEN or ZERO.

ZERO is a BLACK HOLE!  In the Universe, a Black Hole is something that has gravity and a pull SO strong that once you get sucked in, you will NOT come out.

A FITNESS BLACK HOLE is JUST as dangerous!

A zero day when it comes to reaching your goals SUCKS YOU SO LOW that it can be NEARLY impossible to get back out, and you get STUCK in a ZERO PROGRESS Black Hole for days, months, even YEARS!

Conversely, even the TINIEST of sparks, the smallest 1% effort has the POWER to keep you OUT of that Black Hole, to become BRIGHTER, to GROW into 2, 3, 10, 20% effort and HIGHER until that tiny 1% spark has morphed into an INFERNO.

If the cardio workout on your plan is an hour but you can only walk for 10 minutes, DO IT!  If your weight workout is 45 minutes at the Gym and you can only fit in 100 crunches at home before bed, DO IT!

Whatever the absolute bare minimum is, DO IT.  

So even on the worst of the worst of days you are NOT being sucked into the Black Hole of Zero, you are keeping a SPARK LIT that is keeping you afloat and has the potential to GROW into a FLAME.

Keeping a visible Winning Streak Scoreboard is a GREAT tool that leads to CONSISTENCY.

Keep TRACK of your WINNING days and WATCH your motivation and success GROW.

The DESIRE to WIN is human nature and we CRAVE the beyond satisfactory feeling of keeping a WINNING STREAK alive!  For instance, if you are at a Winning Streak of 20, you will be MUCH less likely to do NOTHING and break that streak than if you had not been keeping track in the first place.

TIPS to Creating a WINNING STREAK Scoreboard

Many times we are WAY too strict with what a WIN consists of. We think of WINS as PERFECTION. But as we know, in sports, a win is a win, even if it isn’t always PRETTY!

When we DEPRIVE ourselves of EVERYTHING we love, and don’t take the ENJOYMENT of life into consideration, we are VERY likely DOOMED to fail.

Write down a list of ALLOWANCES to your Scoreboard. For example, if your Goal is to follow your Nutrition Plan you may have a few allowances such as these:

  1. I will enjoy a moderate cheat meal on Saturday Night.
  2. On Thursday night game night with my husband, I will enjoy a moderate meal of a few wings, and one beer.
  3. For my children’s birthday party I will enjoy a piece of cake.

Make YOUR exceptions fit YOUR life and make sure they are in moderation!

THEN, here’s the kicker: STILL count the days with planned allowances as WINS on your Winning Streak Board!!!

You might think that this defeats the purpose of the streak, but the flexibility actually is CRUCIAL to live fit AND live life at the SAME time, which is the KEY to long term SUCCESS.

*DISCLAIMER: Listen up Bombshell, you MUST not go off the rails here! Stay moderate and do NOT let your run allowances buck-ass WILD and destroy your progress!

You may be tempted to ONLY give yourself a WIN if you do EVERYTHING you planned to do toward reaching your goal.

But THAT is truly not practical, especially in the beginning phases of working toward a goal.

Instead, COUNT even the days where you do the MINIMUM as WIN days. Remember, our ULTIMATE Goal is to stay OUT of the BLACK HOLE, so we must give ourselves CREDIT and count doing SOMETHING, ANYTHING to keep ourselves moving FORWARD as a WIN!

If you DO end up having a Zero Day (chances are you WILL), the KEY is to IMMEDIATELY crawl back OUT and do SOMETHING toward reaching your goal, EVEN if that something is at the 1% MINIMUM. Do ANYTHING to claw your way UP and OUT to rack up a WIN and START your WINNING STREAK once again.

A SECOND ZERO day is even WORSE than the first one because it holds a VERY real THREAT of becoming a VERY negative Streak of its own. It is VITAL that you do NOT allow yourself a SECOND ZERO DAY.

Errors WILL happen and THAT is ok, but we must NOT allow them to become part of our PATTERN. When you break a streak, get RIGHT back up, do SOMETHING and RESTART another streak IMMEDIATELY. This MUST be your HIGHEST priority!

When it comes to achieving your goals, having a WINNING STREAK that builds CONSISTENCY is EVERYTHING.


In WEEK TWO of the Bombshell She-Warrior Challenge, we are STARTING our FIRST WINNING STREAK Scoreboard!

  1. Pick a DAIlY habit associated with your GOAL from Week One that you would like to become CONSISTENT with.
  2. Write down any ALLOWANCES.
  3. Choose a method of TRACKING your Winning Streak.
    • Digital or written calendar
    • Spreadsheet
    • Tracking apps such as “streak”, “habitapp”, “habitica” etc.
    • Piece of Paper tacked to your fridge

4. COMPLETE your FIRST WINNING day and start YOUR Winning Streak!

WEEK 2 PRIZE • $50 Bombshell Boutique Gift Certificate


DISCLAIMER: To qualify for the Weekly Prizes your Social Media MUST be public so we can find your posted content. The hashtags below MUST be used on every week’s engagement challenge to qualify for a prize!

#BombshellFitness #BombshellChallenge #BombshellInc #TeamBombshell #ThatBombshellLife #BombshellEvents #8WeekChallenge #TransformationChallenge #Transformation

Here's to an INCREDIBLE, WINNING Season of YOU!!




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